Winter Mineral Promotion

Buy 10 bags of Purina Cattle Mineral and get the 11th bag FREE

For more information, give Joel a call 319-822-4291


Can't make it during our normal business hours, call ahead and we can take payment over the phone and set it out on the dock for you.


Colostrum is in stock! Come grab some before you actually need it! 

The Dunkerton Co-op Feed Department prides itself on Quality Customer Service and Quality Products. We have access to several quality feed lines and currently have several producers interested in leasing or building new swine finishing units. Contact us to find out more about these opportunities.

Feed Dept Manager: Joel Carlson 641-580-0073

Feed Production Specialist: Joe Horak 319-822-4291

Dunkerton Co-op also has access to branded products including:

  • Purina Animal Nutrition
  • Kent Foods

Following are useful links to websites that can help you figure out breakeven calculations for Swine and Cattle feeding as well as other livestock.

Iowa State University Livestock Enterprise Budgets/Break Even Worksheets 

Cattle Breakeven by Calculators by Purina/Land O'Lakes

You can check your Grain Bank/Contract corn here. You will need your Customer Account Number and at first the last 4 digits of your Social Security Number for your password. Once you log in, then you can change your password.

Dunkerton Cooperative has customers looking for additional hog barns for pig placements. Give Tom a call to find out more.